Entertainment Faridah Nakazibwe Quits NTV Uganda After 17 YearsBy Times ReporterOctober 2, 202331,222 Views It is a very sad and hard time for NTV Uganda as a television station and Faridah Nakazibwe fans in…
National News Makerere University Journalism and Communication Student Steals the Show at NTVBy Times ReporterMarch 7, 20220 Views Mutesi Hadijah, Journalism and Communication student together with her team excited everyone present at the Serena based TV station dubbed…
Entertainment Robin Kisti Sets Her Wedding DateBy Times ReporterNovember 20, 20210 Views Former NTV Login extra presenter Robinah Nambooze commonly known as Robin Kisti sets a wedding a few days after her…
Entertainment Lynda Ddane Finally Opens Up About Her Weight LossBy Times ReporterNovember 19, 20210 Views NTV show host Lynda Uwamahoro commonly known by his stage name Lynda Ddane says she lost her weight due to…
National News Justine Nameere Forgives Faridah NakazibweBy Times ReporterMay 22, 20200 Views The biff that has been there for a long time has today ended. Justine Nameera decided to forgive Faridah Nakazibwe…