Drama unfolds as the police commander and officer ASP Karoli Isabirye who shamelesly supervised the rude act of St Peter’s Church in Ndeeba demolition a Kampala suburb on who was detained on Monday has comically escaped from police custody on Thursday.
ASP Karoli Isabirye is the commander of Field Force Unit (FFU) a Uganda Police Section in Kampala Metropolitan South and he was detained with other top police officers after the Ndeeba church demolition happened which attracted the president to go and see for himself. The way he escaped was narrated by a one Afande Sam who allegedly said that a 20,000 Uganda shillings bribe was involved.
It is being learnt that on Wednesday night, Karoli asked his junior officer to free him a little bit he does a phone call to his family for some minutes after giving him a bribe of 20,000 shillings. And to the officers’ utter shock, they waited for over 20 minutes and he Karoli was not coming back, said Afande Sam.
“He tricked his junior officer that he wanted to do a private phone call to his family and he asked for some minutes to do it, they waited for more minutes and he could not return back. Then the guard called his fellow officers to start searching for him in vain” asserted Afande Sam. The search is still ongoing until he is got back to custody.
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