Folic acid is a vitamin B which is usually recommended for pregnant women for various reasons.
Aside from pregnant, folic acid is also highly recommended for patients suffering from sickle
cell anemia.
Firstly, it helps in the manufacture of new cells. Various parts of the body require new
cells on a daily basis for instance the skin, hair and nails. Therefore, it is important to consume
folic acid so as to facilitate the manufacture of the necessary cells.
During pregnancy, folic acid helps during the development of the baby. This is because it helps
in the formation of neural tube hence the baby can grow and be born without any major birth
defects especially on its brain and spine
It is also recommended that a lady should consume folic acid in the early days of her pregnancy.
The reason behind this is that major birth defects of the baby’s brain and spine usually occur in
between 3 to 4 weeks after conception.
Since during the early days of pregnancy women don’t usually know, every adult reproductive
woman is advices to consume it which is meant to protect the baby in case she
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Once you decide to take folic acid, it is also recommended that the quantity shouldn’t be more
than 400 mcg daily unless it has been prescribed by the doctor for you to consume it otherwise.
In case you decide to take it, watch out for vitamins that contain it as most of them have
the right quantity of folic acid needed. You could also consume foods reach in it such as
breads, breakfast cereals among others.