Luggya Veronica, professionally known as Vinka has for a long time been body shamed by her funs because of the weight she gained after giving birth.
As we all know that some women gain weight after giving birth it is the same thing that happened to Vinka. After giving birth, Vinka looks different from her normal size which does not seem to fit well with her funs as they are not used to a big Vinka. Through her Facebook
Vinka shared her recent picture where her bum looked bigger than the normal and people were quick to judge her saying she is has started using Faco products to make her bum bigger and it’s time she realizes that she doesn’t look well with her figure like that.
On seeing these ugly comments a one Kay Ark was quick to defend her saying that if any of the people talking ever gives birth they will come to understand that women get some body changes when they give birth.
“If you ever give birth you will come to understand that this is her post baby body. She was extremely tiny but she with a big butt and gained during pregnancy. You don’t need to be cruel to someone you know nothing about.”
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