Team No Sleep a music label that is owned by a one Jeff Kiwa has already replaced Sheebah Karungi who recently left the label. The new artiste is called Rahma Pniky, and she has already dropped her first song under the label called Superstar Wankuba.
The song Superstar as done by Rahma Pinky comes as a signal from Jeff Kiwanuka aka Jeff Kiwa that Sheebah should be careful with her music career. This is in a way that, Rahma sounds exactly like Sheebah and the style of music she is doing is completely identical to that of Sheebah.
So, could Jeff be on a move to overshadow Sheebah? Because as far as we know him, he is a music man, he is the greatest artiste manager in Uganda’s music industry history. Jeff started it with Jose Chameleone, the Radio and Weasel, to Pallaso, the Late AK 47 and many other artistes.
Superstar Wankuba is a song that talks about Rahma Pinky man who she says is her deal of all time, she continues to assert that he attacked her whole soul and he makes her feel good and sweet. We are waiting for any Sheebah’s new song so that we judge on whether she will stay afloat the industry or sink.
Superstar is not Rahmah’s first song, she has been on the music scene for so long and she has songs like Tukooyue, Girl child and collaborations.