Singer and deep voiced hit maker John Blaq (Black) has surfaced with another hit banger called Mbimala (Mbimara). This is his latest song for the year 2021 after dropping hit songs like Tokutula the one he did with the legendary David Lutalo.
Mbimala (Mbimara) is the latest love song where John Blaq (Black) pours his heart out to his love while asking her to trust him. On the same note, he says that he will finish everything in the line of her needs if she sticks to him (John Blaq).
This lovely love ballad, is produced by one of the leading producers, Bomba and it is definitely a hit song This is because we know that whatever song that John touches, it comes out an automatic hit. And if music was to be served according to hits, John Blaq would the top server of good music of all time.
Mbimala (Mbimara) finds hit songs like, Makanika, Obubadi and many more under the singer’s belt. It is from this moment that we affirm that, Blaq’s Mbimala song is another monster tune to look and, and appreciate music.
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