Singer Rema Namakula has celebrated her handbag and best friend actress Evelyn Namulondo birthday with a very sweet message on social media. Rema and Namulondo have been friends for a very long time and the two have always had each others back both in good and bad.
When Rema Namakula broke up with ex husband and baby daddy Eddy Kenzo, it was said that Namulondo was part of it but still Rema protected her and moved with her in her next marriage with Dr. Hamza Ssebunya. Fans were not happy with it calling Namulondo a house girl and baby seater of Rema Namukula. She was even referred to as a hand bag because she doesn’t get off Rema in whatever she does.
As usual, Rema is not easily moved by social media noise, she kept Evelyn Namulondo besides her, as a sister and best friend. Without any hesitation, Evelyn Namulondo is always moving with Rema even when she goes to perform outside countries and as a way of appreciating her, Rema has celebrated her in a special way on Evelyn Namulondo birthday.
According to Rema, she is so thankful for Namulondo to always have her back and a beautiful heart to everyone around her. She said Namulondo is her daughter’s favorite person and the fun part of her makes everything around her seem magical in a moment.
“Namulondo wange…..
My sister…..Realest 💯… Nanyini vibe24/7
You always got my back . Selfless 💯. Your heart is beautiful 😍.
You are often misjudged because of your care free attitude and efujo but that’s what makes you special. Never change who you are. Aaliyah and Aamaalz favorite human being❤. We love you sweetheart. Happy birthday baby girl,” Rema Namakula posted.
It should be noted that Rema Namakula and Evelyn Namulondo have never exposed themselves in public like any other friends and that makes their friendship unique and attractive.