A Wiseman once said music is the best language to use while speaking to the soul as it touches
depths no words can reach. Now Azawi is in Ache for you, a new song from her maiden album African Music 2021.
Well in case we are to turn this famous adage round, we could also say music is also the best
language with which you can speak about all that you harbor within and all that your souls truly
yawns for.
One of the song that shall make the sixteen comprising of the “African music” album is “ache for
you.” If the title is anything to go by, she is certainly speaking of a longing and urge to have
The kind of loneliness that makes you ache for someone probably similar to that which Adele
speaks about in her famous “Hello” song. One that you can stay with for years and never find a
space to fill up.
Well, that is the kind of feeling that awakens in the mind of a local Ugandan that comes in
contact with the title “ache for you,” even without knowing whom the ache is for, you can
already feeling the speaking voice’s agony.
These are depths to which Azawi went while preparing to drop her “African music” album. Once
we get to this point, we no longer have to ask the when and where question. We simply have to
seat back and anticipate the song that shall soon be dropped.